Famous Musical Miniatures

Musical Miniatures

The most popular musical miniatures for violin and piano. Various levels of difficulties . A 35 -second demo is included with each piece. Get to know it before buying.This is a fully functional fragment of the piece. Using the instructions provided try to: slow down and accelerate tempo, play any part in the loop.  Music miniatures can also be found in the following collections in the Menu as standalone items:

T. Zacharina- A collection of dances and melodies for violin and piano (free)

Old Masters-by Alfred Moffat (free)

CH. Dancla – Small school of melodies (Petite ècole de la mèlodie)

Ch. Dancla -6 Petits Airs varies

W.A. Mozart -12 Duets for violin (Zwölf Duos), K.V. 487

Transcriptions (free)

Beriot Charles de – Twelve Italian melodies for violin & piano

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If you have not found the piece you are looking for, write to us giving the author and the title.

If the score are available, we will prepare the accompaniment without any obligations on your part


Accompaniments for violinists